Alice Greenfingers

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Alice Greenfingers Tips and Tricks (by Visitors)

We have some Alice Greenfingers Tips and Tricks here:

When you started playing, and when you are going to sell your 1st box of tomato, set it to the highest $. ($20) so that you can buy more things at a later stage. If someone calls and ask you to learn or whatever, you just keep pressing yes. It will help you, and get your money back.

Watering the crops: If you had buy the hose that can help you water, it can only help to water 10u. So, when digging, try to make 8u. And since there are 20 seeds in a bag, 2 boxes(16u) will go to ONE seed bag. If there are new seeds or whatever thing, Don't be so excited to buy. Round off your money first then you buy.

Setting the price: If you want to set the price, base on the demand. If it is low, set it lower as if it is high, set to higher. If you do not follow the demand, you will sell your crops real slow. (execpt the 1st box of tomato you sell at tutorial.)

Decorating: If you want to get the garden award, then you buy decorations. It will cost alot. (For some)

Sabotage: If someone calls to ask you if you want to sabotage your competetors, try not to agree. If it fails, your popular will fall and sometime, very high.

Animals: they will help you to earn more money. But try to keep the chicken away from your crops. (place them far away. If they come near, just go to the place were they are and they will run off.)

Slow growing crops: Buy fertilizer and put on it. It will grow faster.

Digging on the wrong: If you had dig wrongly, buy grass seed and plant it back.

Harvesting: 1 box can only contain 4pcs(Only 1 kind).

Do not want to walk to far?: If your crops is far away from the rench, buy 1 more and put it near. (not complus).

Problems: If you had buy the hose for watering the crops, and still it need water,(included that if the hose can reach it) it may be 'bugs' close the game and re-open. It shall be watered by then.

Got more Tips? Leave them in comments! We'll publish em here!